Wednesday 30 April 2014


Dear Friend, (get my Perks reference there?)

 My name is Erin but I can be known as The Book Lover and on this blog, I will be posting book reviews, book hauls and maybe other bookish things. I've wanted to start blogging for a while, but now I just feel ready to write it and update it regularly. I am going to try and post a book review for every book I read because I want to think more about what I am reading so I can compare it to others. I will use this blog to keep track of my reading life in General, which will be fun!

I have a very large TBR pile but I am getting through them slowly (although I just keep buying new books). I will also be posting reviews of advanced copy books, as I receive some from a website in exchange for a review. I hope this will inform people of some up and coming books that are going to be a hit in the coming months.

I am currently reading Adorkable by Sarra Manning and I'm more than halfway through it, it's quite a cute and quirky contemporary read that I am enjoying a lot so far.

So that's about all, I hope you stay and keep me company on the long journey through the world of books. Sit down, make yourself a cup of tea, and enjoy books, because books are amazing.

Yours sincerely,
The Book Lover